Store Location & Information

Store Address
4270 Atlantic Avenue, Long Beach CA 90807
Store Phone:
(562) 427-2299
After-Hours Appointments:
(562) 243-2914
Email Address:
Store Hours:
Tuesday – Saturday
11:00am – 5:00pm
Parking is Available at the Rear of the Building.

About Us

Giltcomplex Antiques opened 12 years ago in Bixby Knolls, just as the area's neighborhood resurgence was taking place. In business since 1995, owners Brent Baden and Patti Welker felt the time was right to have a storefront to showcase their Antique inventory. Brent, a former high school principal, and Patti, hailing from the corporate world, took the leap into the Antiques world. They never looked back. Take a look inside, you'll want to jump in, too!